Thursday, September 25, 2014

Vampires and Zombies, Whats the Difference?!

To my own dismay, if some were to asking the very question of what is the difference between the blood-sucking, victim taking creature known as a vampires and the always multiplying undead devourers of the flesh known as zombies, I would give the answer that you would be from just about everyone else in the world would give you. After reading the article about the difference in what each creature represents, I’ve found myself asking questions about my own understanding of the creatures. a few good points that were made in the argument about the two sets of undead nightmares is how their roles have changed since their first introductions. The point that the zombies were first introduced to the world as creatures of horror, but it wasn't a horror role. They were first used in an unusual way, as mindless slaves that always had someone commanding them, like a witch or a voodoo shaman. While our fanged friends were introduced as the creatures that everyone was suppose to fear and have nightmares about. However, as the vampires have become more civilized and accepted into popular culture (mostly by works like the Twilight Series), zombies have taken up the mantle of the creatures to fear and run from. Another element that surprised me was the fact that vampires were suppose to represent then things that were against societal norms and thus the objects of what would destroy our culture, when they have become the very objects of pop affection. While zombies, have become a symbol of what we have become, a society of mindless wheels powered by the technology around us and a being that has lost it individuality, become one of the many mindless, waves of zombies. This lost of humanity and individuality was the nail in the coffin for me, as it made me realize how much deeper things that we take for granted. I must unfortunately agree that may of us have lost our individuality to modern mainstream pop culture and lost touch with who we are on a deeper and emotional level. 

My questions:
1. How have the changes in vampires effected the roles of zombies?
2. Are movies such as Warm Bodies be preludes to the eventual romanticization of zombies such as what happened to the Vampires?

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